Sample Pages
See a sample unit from Bagrut Plus Plus for Module A.
See a sample unit from Bagrut Plus Plus for Module C.
See a sample unit from Bagrut Plus Plus for Module E.
See a sample unit from Bagrut Plus Plus for Module G.
Please note: Bagrut Plus Plus is based on our bestselling Bagrut Plus series, as follows: All the tests in Bagrut Plus Plus for Modules C and E are from the original Bagrut Plus series. (The Cs are taken from both ABC and CDE, and the Es are taken from both CDE and EFG.) The only new addition is the vocabulary practice after each test. In Bagrut Plus Plus for Modules A, B, and G, there are 5 new tests in each book that do not appear in the original Bagrut Plus series, as well as the vocabulary practice after each test.
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