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These discs, intended for learning disabled students, contain the texts and questions that appear in the Bagrut Plus Plus books.
Please note that if you already have the Reading CDs for Bagrut Plus ABC Module A, for Bagrut Plus ABC Module B, or Bagrut Plus EFG Module G, you SHOULD NOT buy Bagrut Plus Plus Module A Reading Disc 1, Bagrut Plus Plus Module B Reading Disc, OR Bagrut Plus Plus G Reading Disc 1. They are identical.
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Bagrut Plus Plus A – The texts and questions for tests 1-8 are identical to the Bagrut Plus ABC Reading CD for Module A. Tests 9-13 are on the Bagrut Plus Plus A Reading CD #2. You need both discs to cover the contents of the book.
Bagrut Plus Plus Module B – The texts and questions for tests 1-8 are identical to the Bagrut Plus Module ABC Reading CD for Module B. Tests 9-13 are on the Bagrut Plus Plus Module B Reading CD #2. You need both discs to cover the contents of the book.
Bagrut Plus Plus Module C – The texts and questions from all 13 tests are included on one CD.
Bagrut Plus Plus Module E – The texts and questions from all 13 tests are included on one CD.
Bagrut Plus Plus Module G – The texts and questions for tests 1-8 are identical to the Bagrut Plus Module EFG Reading CD for Module G. Tests 9-13 are on the Bagrut Plus Plus G Reading CD #2. You need both discs to cover the contents of the book.
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