Reader Price Quote Request Δ
School grades (grades that learn English) - check all that apply
Are you the English coordinator?
- Select - Yes No
School Sector
- Select - Mamlachti Mamad / Religious Torani Haredi Other (please specify below)
Student Population
- Select - Girls and boys Girls Boys
Level / Grades of students books are needed for, including percentages / numbers, e.g., struggling students / hakbatza gimmel - 20%, intermediate students / hakbatza bet - 50%, advanced students / hakbatza aleph - 30% OR 5-pointers - 20 books, 4-pointers - 15 books, 3-pointers - 10 books, etc.
Budget in shekels and / or number of books needed
Do you want individual titles or sets of the same title?
- Select - Only individual titles Only sets Both individual titles and sets
If you want sets, please specify (how many sets, how many books per set).
Do you already have an English library at school?
- Select - Yes No
Do you want any duplication from previous reader orders?
- Select - Yes, for popular titles Yes, only if there aren't enough new titles No, even if we won't be able to get as many books as we need
Genres of books you're interested in (check all that apply)
Any other additional information about the types of books you're looking for?
For haredi schools, what types of books are you interested in?
- Select - Only books published by haredi publishers All books suitable for haredi schools
For religious / haredi schools, please note any religious sensitivities your school has regarding content and pictures.
- Select - Door-to-door shipping Pick-up from our Jerusalem office
Any other requests / important information?
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